Hello Families!
Welcome to Kindergarten in room C-7 at CP Smith! I have been busy preparing for your arrival and look forward to meeting many of you at our Kindergarten Orientation this Thursday evening (August 25th) from 6:00-7:00PM. This is an opportunity for you to meet the Kindergarten teachers, learn a little bit more about our year ahead and get a sneak peak into the classrooms. Childcare will be provided. Below you will find a little bit more information about the start of the year.
Kindergarten will begin with half-days from Wednesday, August 31st to Friday, September 2nd. Dismissal will be at 11:30 (you are welcome to re-enter school and have lunch with your child after dismissal). Full school days will begin after the Labor Day Weekend on Tuesday September 6th.
In preparation of the year:
Please send in an extra pair of clothes, including underwear and socks. Accidents will happen in Kindergarten, but that is easily fixed. These clothes will be kept in your child's cubby.
Children should have sneakers everyday for P.E. (Monday and Friday) and outdoor play daily. If you prefer, you can send in sneakers with your child to change into prior to PE and outdoor play.
Each child will have a hook in the classroom for backpacks and coats as well as a cubby for additional belongings.
Snack will be provided by the school. If you are nervous about your child eating the provided snacks, you may send them in with a snack as well.
School provides lunch for free to all students. Children will be offered an entree, with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches as an alternative. If you decide to send a lunch with your child, milk money will be necessary if he or she would like milk.
Please label everything that your child brings to school, including clothing! We will do our best to keep everything together, however that will be increasingly tricky as the cold weather settles in.
Children can bring 1 stuffed animal or special comfort item that will be kept in their cubby. There will be time to check in with the stuffy and rest with it for a bit each day.
During drop-off and pick-up, please try to establish a consistent routine with your child to help ease the transition each day.
Please check into this blog regularly for more information and feel free to comment! I will post updates on the happenings of our classroom at least weekly so be sure to check in on all of the exciting learning happening in Kindergarten!