Wednesday, June 6, 2018

A Visit to the Fire Station

Thankfully the rain stopped and we were able to walk over to Fire Station 4 this morning.  As soon as we arrived the firefighters got a medical call but were back soon and able to give us a tour.  Kindergarten enjoyed learning about the various tools firefighters use as well as getting a chance to sit in the truck!


Monday, June 4, 2018

Butterfly Release!

(whoops - I totally forgot to hit post last Thursday!)
It was BUSY and FUN Thursday!  This morning we walked down to Ethan Allen Park and then up to Ethan Allen Tower.  After lunch we went outside to release our 10 (!!!) butterflies and enjoyed a special popsicle snack!  It was a great day 😎

Thanks to everyone who came out to our Writer's Tea this morning!  It was a wonderful morning and I greatly appreciate your presence and generosity :) 

Happy Monday!