Friday, August 31, 2018

Happy Friday!

This morning we had our first community meeting.  Every Friday morning the whole school gathers together.  Classes will often share exciting things that are happening.  This morning Mr. Phelan talked about being Safe, Respectful and Responsible at CP Smith.

During our classroom Morning Meeting I shared a fun song about kindness:

I also read an amazing book that is new to me All Are Welcome.  We discussed how special our school community is because we have so many different people who like and do different, special things!

Image result for all are welcome book

Students had music class with Ms. Schwerin again, we enjoyed snack and went out to the playground. 

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Day 2!

It was so nice to see so many smiling faces this morning!  We began our day with morning meeting and share a food that we really like to eat.  We learned how to use our hand to show when we make a connection with someone else because many students shared the same favorite foods!  After Morning Meeting we had some time on the playground and then students met their music teacher Ms. Schwerin.  They will have music on Thursday and Friday mornings.  

After snack we talked about what it means to be kind and I read the book The Kindness Quilt.  Students shared examples of kindness and we discussed how when you do something kind like share a toy or read a story to a friend you are making them feel good.  In the coming weeks we will begin thinking about how we can write and draw about acts of kindness we notice in the classroom.   

We also had our first fire drill of the school year and Kindergarten did a great job covering their ears for the loud sound and moving outside quietly and safely.

Our day ended with a chance to play and a closing circle.  We watched a short video on kindness and talked about how being kind makes the world a brighter ,better place!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Day 1

Happy First day of Kindergarten!  It was a wonderful first day.  Kindergarteners started the day by drawing a picture of themselves.  We then came to the rug for morning meeting.  We will start each day with a morning meeting which is an opportunity to greet one another, preview the day and build community.  This morning we created our first chart: How Are You Feeling Today?

I read the book Countdown to Kindergarten, we spent some time on the playground, explored a bit in the classroom and then it was time to go home! 

Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Hello Families!

Welcome to Kindergarten in room C-8 at CP Smith!  I have been busy preparing for your arrival and look forward to starting the school year!  I try to update this blog most days (I usually skip Friday unless something extra special happens!).  I know that it can be hard for Kindergarteners to tell you about their day so I hope this blogs helps in facilitating that conversation!

Kindergarten will begin with half-days from Wednesday, August 29th to Friday, August 31st. Dismissal will be at 11:30. Full school days will begin after the Labor Day Weekend on Tuesday, September 4th.

In preparation for the year:
• Please send in an extra pair of clothes, including underwear and socks. Accidents will happen in Kindergarten, but that is easily fixed. These clothes can be kept in your child’s backpack.
• Children should have sneakers everyday for outdoor play and PE (Tuesday and Thursday). 
• Each child will have a hook in the classroom for backpacks and coats.
• Snack will be provided by the school.  If you prefer, you may send a snack from home.
• School provides lunch for free to all students. Children will be offered an entree. Peanut butter and jelly or deli meat sandwiches as an alternative.
• Please label everything that your child brings to school, including clothing! 
• Toys are not allowed at school as they can be a distraction.
• During drop-off and pick-up, please try to establish a consistent routine with your child to help ease the transition.

One morning a week, we will be spending time in the woods at Ethan Allen Park (more info coming soon!). Your child will need appropriate clothes and footwear to be outside for an hour. It’s not too early to start collecting winter gear! Warm snow boots, waterproof mittens, snow pants, hat, winter jacket, scarf or neck warmer. It is hard to have fun outside when you are cold or wet!

Kindergarten will visit several specialists teachers during the week (subject to a few tweaks):

Art Monday 12:30-1:15 with Ms. Stagner 
Guidance Monday 9:15-9:45 with Ms. Guilmette 
PE Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30-1:15 with Ms. Souliere 
Library Wednesday 12:30-1:15 with Ms. Lane and Ms. "K"(Kavanaugh)
Music Thursday 9:05-9:35 and Friday 9:05-9:50 with Ms. Schwerin 

Lunch is 11:20-11:45 daily. 

Happy Monday!