Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Lots of Fun in Kindergarten!

We have been busy, busy, busy in Kindergarten.  Yesterday morning we made cinnamon applesauce ornaments.  They smell wonderful and Kindergarteners are excited to hang them up somewhere special at home.  Some asked for me to send the ingredients and they are pretty easy to make:

1 Cup of Apple Sauce
1.5 Cups of Cinnamon
2 Tablespoons of Glue

Mix up all of the ingredients, roll out and cut into your desired shape.  These then need to dry at least over night and then can be left plain or decorated.  If you want to attach a string you want to be sure to poke a hole before it dries - we used a straw!

We have been reading books about animals in winter and while outside some students found animal tracks - how cool!  They guess that these are raccoon tracks based on the size and shape.

Today our wonderful interim Math Interventionist Mrs. Gregory (a "retired" second grade teacher) brought in some winter crafts for us to do.  It was a wonderful activity enjoyed by all!

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