Monday, February 12, 2018

Sunny Monday

We have been busy, busy in Kindergarten.  Last Friday we enjoyed the snow and did some sledding.  It was a lot of fun!  Some third graders have been coming to read us "Who am I?" books that they wrote and will continue throughout the week.  Today I read the book Pierre the Penguin the true  story of a penguin who needed some help.

In Math we continue talking about weight using balance scales.  Today we tried to make one ball of clay into two balanced balls.  Once this was achieved I then flattened one into a pancake and wondered if it would still be balanced.  Some students thought that the flattened clay would be the same as the ball because no clay was added or taken away.  Others thought that the flattened clay would weigh more because it appeared to be bigger.  We learned that the since no clay was added or taken away it did not matter the shape of the clay.  

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Happy Monday!