Monday, May 7, 2018

Linus the Minus

Happy Monday!  This morning after some time outside we read the May "Chicken Soup with Rice" poem and worked on building words with -ay.

In May
I truly think it best
To be a robin
Lightly dressed
Concocting soup
Inside my nest.
Mix it once
Mix it twice
Mix that chicken soup
With rice.

I read the book The Bumble Bee Queen and we continued talking about why bees are so important!  Did you know that a worker bee makes only about 1 spoonful of honey in its lifetime and that in order to make one jar of honey about 2 million flowers must be visited!?

During Math we read a poem about "Linus the Minus" and talked about how when we take away you end up with less.  

Image result for linus the minus

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Happy Monday!