Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Goodbye Winter...?

Kindergarten is excited for Spring to arrive tomorrow.  Hopefully warmer weather is on the horizon!  Our poem for this week is called Goodbye Winter:

This afternoon I read the book Mama Miti about Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathi.  Wangari was the first African woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize for her work supporting women in Kenya.  Wangari helped to plant over 30 million trees in Kenya and surrounding African countries.  We discussed that in addition to making oxygen for us to breath trees are important because they: provide shelter for animals, fire for firewood, timber for buildings, food for people and animals, and even medicine for cows!  During Math this afternoon we continued working on ten numbers with a ten frame.  We talked about how teen numbers are 1 group of 10 and some more.  We worked on counting on from 10.    


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