Wednesday, August 28, 2019

First Day of First Grade!

Welcome Back! It was an awesome and BUSY first day of first grade.  We started the day with a morning meeting and reviewed the structure of morning meeting:
  • Greeting 
  • Share 
  • Morning Message 
  • Activity 
After snack we took a tour of the school and met some new folks!  We have a new Music teacher this year, Mr. Dave 

and a new Art teacher, Mrs. Mitchell.  

Mrs. Winn is also the new administrative assistant in our main office.  I read the book The Pigeon HAS to Go to School! and we talked about how we are feeling, what we are excited about and what we wonder about first grade.  First grade enjoyed their first music class with Mr. Dave, had recess and were introduced to our new "Quiet Time Bags."  The day ended with PE!       

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to have this blog to follow along with Henry Moreau’s first grade class. Thank you for sharing and taking the time to write, it is much appreciated.
    Gail Moreau


Happy Monday!