Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Exploring Capacity

This morning during Math Stations we worked at our sand and water table with rainbow rice to introduce a new math word capacity. Students learned that capacity is one math word for how much something holds.  Students made predictions about which containers would hold a greater capacity of rainbow rice and then had an opportunity to explore with these materials.

Our book today was Boot and Shoe by Marla Frazee, one of my personal favorites!  We will be looking at this book more closely from the eyes of a writers as Marla Frazee is known for using lines in her books to show motion as well as drawing multiple pictures of the same character to show both motion and different activities.  There continues to be lots of excitement around making, writing, and reading words!  This is such an exciting time of growth in the classroom as students are beginning to read and write more words everyday.  Kindergartners have greatly enjoyed using our brand new table top easel and magnetic letters to support with this work!

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