Monday, January 9, 2017

Happy New Year!

Wow - it is hard to believe that it is already January 2017!  It is incredible to observe how much growth kindergarteners have made since September.  We began our morning outside and then had a bit of a longer Morning Meeting reconnecting, sharing one thing we did over the break and introducing a new way to work on self-regulation.  A big part of Kindergarten is learning how to manage yourself both independently and with your peers and sometimes this is hard.  The Alert program compares your body to an engine sometimes the engine is running slow, sometimes it is just right (read to learn!) and sometimes it is running too fast.  We started to generate a list of what we can do to self regulate and get our bodies just right some suggestions today were - take a quiet walk around the classroom if it is hard to sit still, go get a sip of water or do 10 quiet jumps.  Over the week we will create a list of things we can do to make our bodies ready to learn.  This is especially important as Kindergarten begins to take on more learning in the new year!

In Math we started our third module on measurement - a really fun one!  The Unit Launched with emphasizing the importance of lining up what we are measuring on an endpoint in order to compare objects using the words shorter, taller, longer versus bigger or smaller.   As a whole group students chose an object and then we worked to line them up from shortest to longest.  It was a fun activity with lots of questioning and noticing!   

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Happy Monday!