Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Busy, Busy

We have been very BUSY in Kindergarten over the last few days!  Ms. Gunnarsson and I made some changes to the classroom environment to allow for some more open space for the children and more organizational space for us.  Kindergarten was surprised and excited to see the changes yesterday and today!

This morning we enjoyed the snow and brought out some 'snow paint' (water and food coloring) to paint the snow!  It was a lot of fun.

Today in Writer's Workshop we started a special writing project.  All students will be writing a list poem about themselves.  Oftentimes beginning writers struggle with what to write about and one of the best topics is what they know best - themselves!  It also helps with practicing writing sight words we are working so hard on.  This is the one kindergarten helped to write about me:

I am a teacher.
I am a girl.
I am a helper.
I am friendly.
I am awesome.
I am Ms. Tilley.

Lots of other suggestions such as rockstar and pop star (if only I could sing, haha....)  Our plan is after the poems are written we will make them into a piece of art and later into a multi page book. This work will continue over the next few weeks and we hope to invite families in to see the finished work after it is completed!

In Math we have moved on from weight and measurement and are focusing on writing numbers past 10, subitizing (or quickly recognizing an amount) and introducing addition and subtraction.  We started this work today with a number bond.  The number bond model helps students begin to understand the relationship between parts and wholes before moving into formal work with addition and subtraction.  An example of a number bond 2 and 3 are the 'parts' and 5 is the whole:

Our book yesterday was one of my favorites, How to Heal a Broken Wing by Bob Graham and today Ms. Gunnarsson read Beach by Elisha Cooper.  During Reader's Workshop students have been busy reading books, reading, making and writing sight words and using our leveled reading website/app to listen to and read books at their reading level!  You can access Raz-Kids at home on a computer, tablet or phone:


The login for our classroom is: blane2

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