Thursday, February 2, 2017

Into the Woods...

It was very beautiful in the woods this morning.  Students enjoyed adding to structures built by Mr. D's class as well as searching for signs of animals.  We noticed a large hole in a tree and students predicted that maybe an owl or chipmunk lived in it. 

This afternoon I finished reading the book Scaredy Squirrel  by Melanie Watt which is always a favorite! Thanks to Mr. D we have two more iPads to use in our classroom!  Students will be learning how to access See Saw a digital portfolio app where they will be able to photograph, record and share their work!  Be on the look out for how to access See Saw at home in the coming weeks.  This afternoon you should have also received an e-mail for access to Raz-Kids.  Raz-Kids is an app and computer based program where students are able to read, listen to and record books at their own reading level.  We will be using this in the classroom and you will be able to access at home.  The e-mail will name the teacher as Beth Lane or blane2 who is our librarian in case you are confused by the teacher name. 

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