Monday, March 27, 2017

Rainy Monday

Something new we have been doing during Morning Meeting is making predictions about and recording the temperature.  Students are working on making predictions that 'make sense.'  Knowing that 32 degrees is the temperature which water freezes students have been able to make strong predictions.  Then we check the weather and record it on a thermometer chart.  We look forward to seeing the temperature increase over time!

During Writer's Workshop we discussed where writers get their ideas - from what they know and love, and began a chart for when we are stuck on coming up with an idea.  Kindergarten is working hard to create books that are important to them.

We continue to work on addition in Math and today students learned a new game "Kindergarten Yahtzee" a twist on the classic game.  Students roll two dice and have to check off numbers 2-12, when they roll all the numbers they yell 'Yahtzee' and win the game.  This game is not only fun but practices subitizing and combining numbers. 

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Happy Monday!