Thursday, March 16, 2017

SO much snow!

Kindergarten enjoyed getting out in the woods for a little bit this morning and enjoyed some time playing in all of the snow!

After the woods we finished the chapter book we have been reading Gooseberry Park by Cynthia Rylant and Kindergarten is eager to start a new chapter book.  Tomorrow we will vote on what we will be reading next.  

We are continuing discussing community helpers and today Ms. Gunnarsson read Jobs on a Farm.  Because we have missed our weekly visits to the library on Tuesday the last few weeks Ms. Beth was kind enough to invite Kindergarten to the library this afternoon.  After a visit to the library we continued working on a big book we are creating all together.  On Monday we discussed how authors write about what they know and love and so we had to decide on a topic that everyone in our classroom knew a lot about and loved (or at least liked) so we decided to write a book about Kindergarten!  First we had to decide on a title for our book and decided to name it The Days of the Week in Kindergarten.  Today we decided that on each page at the top we will write On (day of the week) draw the illustration and then at the bottom write what happens on that day of the week.  Co-constructed texts allow for lots of modeling of the writing process and how much thinking and hard work goes into writing a book.  Kindergarten is working on making title pages that will tell the reader about what they will find in their books.     

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