Thursday, November 2, 2017

Illustration Study

This week we began an illustration study inspired by our Mo Willems work.  Kindergarten is noticing a lot about illustrations and illustrations can inspire young readers and writers.  Yesterday I read Boot and Shoe by Marla Frazee the tale of two dogs who live perfectly normal dog lives.  Boot is always on the back porch because he's a back porch kind of dog, and Shoe likes to be on the front porch because he's a front porch kind of dog. This is exactly perfect for them. But one day a squirrel arrives . . . and everything goes topsy-turvy!  Kindergarten noticed that Marla Frazee uses lines to show motion and dark tornado like shapes over characters heads to show sadness or anger just like Mo Willems!  We started a chart to document what we see and why, we will continue to read books with interesting illustrations.

This afternoon we had some fun math stations again.  We also read our poem for next week from Chicken Soup with Rice.


In November’s 
gusty gale
I will flop 
my flippy tail
and spout hot soup.
I’ll be a whale!
Spouting once 
spouting twice
spouting chicken soup 
with rice!

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