Monday, January 8, 2018

Authors and Illustrators at Work!

As we begin the New Year, we are focusing more on writing in Kindergarten.  Students will soon begin working on writing and illustrating their own multi-page booklets.  We start with 5 pages to get away from the idea that the first page is the beginning, second is the middle and third is the end.  Overtime students will learn how to add and remove pages.  To build independence we are working on the writing process all together through shared writing.  Last week we brainstormed a topic - something we ALL know a lot about.  We decided to title our book All About CP Smith.  Together we worked on writing the pages, making decisions about what made sense and then in groups of 2 or 3 students worked collaboratively to illustrate the pages, focusing on having the illustrations match the words.  Students are excited about this and asked to share at a Community Meeting.  I will be in touch about when we will be sharing this work!

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