Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Did you know...?

Did you know that a Green Anaconda can be 20 feet long!?  We learned this in a silly song and students made a connection to our work on measurement.  We broke out some measuring tapes and were shocked to see how long 20 feet actually is!

I have been working on completing literacy assessments and part of this is assessing students knowledge of sight words.  At out word work station, students will now have their own individual list of sight words to practice building and writing kept on a ring.  We will keep adding 5 sight words at a time as students learn them.

In math we also practiced counting by 10's to 100.  In measuring with cubes students reported it was tricky when they were measuring something very long.  A suggestion was counting by 10's as it is quicker than counting by 1's.  I love all of the connections they make!

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