Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Tuesday in the Trees!

It was an awesome morning to spend time in the woods!  We noticed some leaves changing colors and many green leaves still on the trees.

Our poem for this week is Fall Leaves

Fall Leaves 

One is orange, 
Two are brown,
Three look yellow
On the ground. 

Three are green, 
Two bright red, 
One just fell 
Upon my head!

Our first writing unit has focused on how to use shapes to draw.  We have been working on using different shapes to draw body parts and then adding details.  We discussed how sometimes stick people are okay but when we are writing stories the reader should be able to "read" the story through the pictures just like the books in our classroom.  Students have been practicing drawing people out of shapes in their drawing journals.  It can be a little tricky but that's why we are trying it out!


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