Monday, October 29, 2018

We Are Putting on a Play!

This morning we went down to the library and practiced roles for a play we will be putting on next Friday November 9 at our weekly Friday morning community meeting (8:10 in the gym).  You may  recall that Ms. Beth read the book The Friend Ship by Kat Yeh in the library a few weeks ago.  It was such a hit that they built a large cardboard ship and have been acting out the different animal parts!  Over the next two weeks Kindergarten will be learning lines and making animal masks to perform the book for the school.  We are very excited!  Ask your Kindergartener about The Friend SHIP.

This afternoon Mrs. Tourin's class joined us to learn about animal homes.  We learned about the difference between a squirrel and bird nest.  

Related image

Many students thought that this was a bird's nest but actually it is a squirrel nest!  We learned that you can usually tell the difference because squirrel nests are typically much messier than birds' nests.  

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Happy Monday!