Monday, December 10, 2018

A Chilly Monday

Today we talked a lot about what to expect at the Pete the Cat performance at the Flynn tomorrow!  We learned that people, actors, are playing the characters so they are going to look a little bit different than the characters in the Pete the Cat books.  I read Pete the Cat Bedtime Blues.  

Our sound today was another digraph: oa which makes the sound oh.  Kindergarten helped out writing words that had oa in the middle like goat, boat, moat, soap and coat.  It was tricky that note sounds the same but is written differently.  

We also read the December Chicken Soup with Rice poem:


In December 
I will be 
A baubled bangled 
Christmas tree
With soup bowls 
draped all over me. 
Merry once 
Merry twice
Merry chicken soup
With rice!

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