Thursday, January 10, 2019

We got outside for a little bit this morning but it was quite windy on the playground!  After Music we watched this quick video about Owls, had snack and then worked on writing. 

Yesterday a new poem was introduced which is connected to our study on Winter Animals:

Winter Animals 

Winter is cold.           

There is snow in the sky. 

The squirrel gathers nuts. 

And the wild geese fly. 

The fluffy red fox

Has his fur to keep warm. 

The bear’s in her cave, 

Sleeping all through the storm. 

Our read aloud today was Is this Panama? A Migration Story by Jan Thornhill following the migration of a Wilson Warbler.  After reading The Big Snow on Tuesday, students wondered what animals migrate other than geese and butterflies.  We looked at google earth and mapped the path from the Arctic Circle to Panama.  Other than the Wilson Warbler we learned that humpback whales, caribou and some dragonflies migrate.  

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