Friday, January 4, 2019

Happy New Year!

Happy 2019! It was wonderful to come back together as a community this morning and share what we did over break.  Students helped to fill in missing sounds in our Morning Message. After playing in the snow, having music class and snack we launched our next phase of writer's workshop!  Most of our time has been focused on drawing, adding labels and working on books all together.  Today all students began working on their own books which is very exciting!  We talked about how during Writer's Workshops students will first listen and learn, then find a good spot to work, write and draw the whole time and then finally 1 or 2 students will share what they were working on.  It was hard for students to stop today as they wanted to finish their books but we talked about how authors and illustrators keep coming back to their books over time.

This afternoon we read the January Chicken Soup with Rice Poem and students illustrated to match the words.


In January
it's so nice,
While slipping
on the sliding ice
To sip hot chicken soup
with rice.
Sipping once,
sipping twice
Sipping chicken soup
with rice.

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