Monday, April 15, 2019

The Big Night

This afternoon with Mrs. Tourin's class I read Big Night for Salamanders by Sarah Lamstein.  We learned that most of the year spotted salamanders live underground, however, when conditions are just right -- the ground has thawed, the temperature is at least 42 degrees and rain falls all night -- every spotted salamander suddenly rouses. First males, then females make their way down from woody hillsides they call home to the lowest available wet spot.  We also watched an excerpt from Vermont PBS and learned about how people in Vermont help salamanders and frogs during the "Big Night." 

Last week we read a new poem about Spring:

What the Robin Told

The wind told the grasses,
And the grasses told the trees.
The trees told the bushes,
And the bushes told the bees.
The bees told the robin,
And the robin sang out clear:
Wake up!
Wake up!

Spring is here!

On Friday I set up a "Reading Tent" and this morning we agreed upon some rules for it:
  • Be gentle (no stepping or pulling)
  • 1 or 2 people inside
  • Be respectful of people's turns (do not wait right outside)
  • Set a 5 minute timer if other people are waiting for a turn

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