Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A very busy day in Kindergarten!

This morning Mrs. Mellencamp visited our classroom and explained that on Friday the new UVM Mascot Rally Cat will be visiting for our community meeting!  In addition to Rally Cat visiting, all classes will also be wearing paper bag hats that we crafted this afternoon as a celebration for reaching 100 Cat Cards and earning a golden ticket.

This morning we also took some time to make self portraits focusing on using our special "skin color" crayons to make our portraits look as realistic as possible.  This art work is now hanging up in our classroom.

During reader's workshop I read another book by Ezra Jack Keats, Whistle for Willie and then we watched a short video to learn more about Ezra Jack Keats and where he got his inspiration for his books. We learned that it was important for him to write books that kids could relate to.  Kindergarten believes that Peter, the main character in many of Keat's books, must be in in K, 1st or 2nd grade because he isn't too tall and likes to play with things they like to play with like blocks and a stuffed alligator!

Learn more about Ezra Jack Keats here:


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