Monday, October 10, 2016

Play Dough, Number Making and the Letter i

Happy Monday!  The week is off to a wonderful start.  We started our morning with reviewing the letters we have practiced so far: t, b, f, m, n, c, a and r.  Our Fundations phonics unit begins with introducing lowercase letters first, we review the name of the letter, the sound, think of words that start with that letter and practice forming the letters on our special letter writing boards.  Today we talked about the letter i.

Many thanks to one of our kindergartener's Mom who came and helped us make play dough this morning!  This was a first for me too and the play dough came out great.  We especially enjoy the cinnamon scent!

After play dough making and play we ate snack and then it was time for math.  For our Math Journals Kindergarteners were given the task of drawing a creature that had one ear, two heads and three feet.  We came up with some silly creatures.

Our book today was Apples by Gail Gibbons.  We learned that apple trees have been around for over 2 million years - wow!  During Reader' Workshop many kindergarteners worked to be letter detectives and searched for and cut out letters for a co-created alphabet chart.  After PE we finished up Reader's Workshop and then we got a special treat from a secret class who "booed," us.  This mystery class left us a poem, some marshmallow peeps, bubbles and a spider ring.  It is now our job to choose a different class to "boo."

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Happy Monday!