Monday, October 3, 2016

Homemade Apple Sauce!

We had a surplus of apples left over from our snack so Mrs. Slack was so kind to lend us her crock pot to make apple sauce!  During play some kindergartners helped to cut the apples into slices and add them to our crock pot along with some cinnamon, sugar and water.  We loved the smell of the apple sauce cooking all day and were excited to taste it after PE!

During Math we learned a new math game working on matching dots to numerals.  During Reader's Workshop I read one of my favorite books, The Little Old Lady Who was not Afraid of Anything by Linda Williams and then we listened to the song (warning: it is catchy!).

After Reader's Workshop it was time for PE and then finally we ate our apple sauce and I read the book Apples for Everyone!

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