Monday, December 18, 2017

Busy, Busy

It's been a busy last few days!  Big thanks to Dana for coming and teaching us about Hanukkah and how to play the dreidel game.  We have been reading lots of Gingerbread Man books.  Today we read The Gingerbread Girl Goes Animal Crackers and The Gingerbread Cowboy.  These books are not only fun but also get at many elements of a story: parts that repeat, characters, setting (Gingerbread Cowboy takes place in the desert).  Ms. Beth and Ms. K also made a cardboard Gingerbread House in the library which makes for a cozy reading nook. This afternoon we had some fun making Cinnamon Applesauce ornaments.  In Math we continue to talk about shapes.  We learned that a rectangle is a shape with four straight sides and four corners.  Kindergarten was surprised to learn that a square is a special kind of rectangle that has four equal sides.

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