Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Sight Word Search

This week we began talking about sight words - words reader and writers see and use a lot!  This morning we used "magic" (highlighter) tape to find "is" and "the" in our Morning Message.  We practiced writing uppercase A and students noticed we only have 2 uppercase letters left!    Mrs. Guilmette visited for Guidance and talked more about how to not be a bystander if you see someone being bullied.

Students finished their Alphabet illustrations and we worked together to put the illustrations in ABC order.  I read the book When it Starts to Snow and learned more about where animals go when it starts to snow in this fun rhyming book.

This afternoon we finished up talking about one more and introduced two new stations - one more bingo and a cube tower building game where students had to make towers that were one less and one more than the number rolled on a dice.  Tomorrow we will talk more about one less as this continues to be a tricky topic.

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Happy Monday!