Monday, December 4, 2017

Happy Monday

I cannot believe that December is already here.  This morning we highlighted the sight word the in our Morning Message and used the sights words  I go to the to make a sentence: I go to the park.  We discussed how a sentence is made up of words that have spaces in between and end with a period.  Kindergarten is excited to try out writing sentences and are encouraged that "if you can say it, you can spell it!"

Today we continued talking about what animals do as the weather gets colder.  I read the book Not a Buzz to be Found: Insects in Winter  by Linda Glaser.  Students made lots of connections to the woods and we will be doing some searching under logs for insects keeping warm as winter approaches.

In Math we continue to discuss the number that is one more.  We listened to and played along to the one more number song.

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Happy Monday!