Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Tuesday in the Trees!

It was a gorgeous morning in the woods!  Students immediately noticed how the woods have gotten much "browner."  Lots of wondering on why it looked darker if there were less leaves on the trees.  Maybe the sun will come out by the end of the week!  Some students worked on using sticks and pine cones to make their names and they looked pretty awesome.

This afternoon we moved on from working on label writing to thinking about writing books!  We talked about how writers write about what they know and love and brainstormed a topic of a book that we could write all together.  We decided that we would write a book about going to the woods.  Tomorrow we will decide on a title and begin working on the cover page.  We will work on this shared writing over the next few weeks then students will begin working on individual books.  So exciting!

We played inside on this rainy afternoon.  Some students set up a Stuffy restaurant and made some money and used paper and clip boards to write orders!

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