Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Day 9 in Kindergarten

This morning after Morning Meeting I introduced Writer's Workshop.  We read the book The Ugly Vegetables by Grace Lin and discussed that authors tell and write stories about these that they know a lot about.  Grace Lin wrote a book about Chinese Vegetables because she would plant them with her mother.  I shared a story about having chicken soup on Monday nights with my Nonnie when I was little.  We will continue to use authors as mentors and tell our own stories in preparation of writing them in our writing and drawing books in coming weeks!

This afternoon in Reader's Workshop we talked about a BIG Kindergarten word: stamina.  And talked about how stamina is doing anything for along period of time without getting too tired or giving up.  We practiced finding one book, a comfy spot and reading quietly for 2 minutes.  We did this successfully and colored in two minutes on our chart.  Tomorrow we will try for four minutes!

We also traveled to England in our next National Geographic Are We There Yet? video.  Today we got to see Big Ben and the London Bridge!  We also visited Ms. Beth in the library.  We will visit the Library every Tuesday.  Students got to check out a book from the library and I gave them the choice of bringing the book home or keeping it in our classroom.  If the book came home please help to remind your child to bring the book back to school by next Tuesday.

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