Thursday has become my favorite day of the week as it is the day we go to the woods! This morning Officer Difranco and Ms. Mellencamp came to our classroom and told us that we were going to have a lock down drill. Officer Difranco explained that a lockdown drill is to practice in case there was anything unsafe going on in our school. He made us laugh when he told us about a school that had a moose running loose in the halls! Soon after we practiced quietly and quickly coming to our safe corner until Officer Difranco came to check and Ms. Mellencamp told us the lockdown was all through. Kindergartners did an excellent job staying safe and quite during this drill!
After we had an abbreviated music class with Mrs. Hurley and then went to the woods with Mrs. Slack's class. There was some building of fairy houses and students created their own see-saw - SO COOL!

This afternoon we talked a little bit about why trees are so important for us - they help make oxygen so we can breath, can be used to make things like furniture, shelves and paper towels, and are also home to many different animals and insects. Afterwards we read
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus by Mo Willems (one of my personal favorites), practiced partner reading and had time to play and explore in our classroom.
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