Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Our brain is a muscle!

This morning at Morning Meeting we talked about how our brain is a muscle and the more challenging things we do our brain will keep growing stronger.  I read the book Everyone Can Ride a Bicycle by Chris Raschka to lead into this discussion.  We learned that the little girl tries again, and again and again and ride her bike and does not give up until she gets it!  We then watched this short video:

and learned that our brains keep growing and getting stronger so it is important to never give up!

We played, ate snack and then Mrs. Guilmette came to visit us for Guidance and talked a lot about our feelings.  After Guidance we had math.  For math we talked about how numbers have different "hidden parts."  A cube tower of five can be broken into different parts: 2 and 3, 4 and 1 and 5 and 0.  After I modeled this kindergartners came up with different "hidden parts" for a cube tower of 6.  We then practiced saying the "hidden parts" as addition sentence: 2+3=5,..After this mini-lesson a new math game: Find It! was introduced.  This was another partner and dice game where you had to match the number of dots rolled on the dice to a dot combination on the board.  Some partners chose yesterday's game "Roll and Build" and some played the new game "Find It!"

For Reader's Workshop I read another book about Fall: Fall Leaves Colorful and Crunchy by Martha Rustad.  This book taught us some BIG words: veins and photosynthesis.  Kindergartners found it interesting that leaves have veins just like us except leave veins carry water and people veins carry blood!  The day ended with Art with Mrs. Hawkes.  

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