Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Wonderful Wednesday!

It was a wonderful Wednesday in Kindergarten.  This morning we reviewed the letters introduced so for: b. f, and t and introduced m and n by listening to these letter songs:

Tomorrow we will add m and n to our: "These are letters chart."  Mrs. Guilmette joined us for Guidance this morning and talked to us about understanding our feelings.  After having time to explore and eat snack we enjoyed another math lesson on sorting and learned a fun counting game! Today we worked on sorting items based on the weather: sunny, snowy and rainy.  

Our read aloud for Reader's Workshop was The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Paul Galdone.  Many Kindergartners were familiar with this classic tale and enjoyed helping out with the reading especially when the goats went over the bridge and went "TRIP, TRAP! TRIP, TRAP!"  After our read aloud I modeled partner reading: sitting side by side, putting one book in the middle and "see-saw" reading when one partner starts and the other partner continues.  

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