Monday, May 15, 2017

Happy Monday

Kindergarten was very excited to see how much our caterpillars grew over the weekend!  We expect that they should begin forming a chrysalis any day now.

 Last week our poem focused on Daffodils and how they change from yellow flowers we see outside now to the fluffy white flowers we make a wish and blow on.  There was lots of excitement when some of the fluffy white flowers were found!

In Math we practiced counting teen numbers with the 'say 10' way, i.e. 13 is 10 ones and 3 ones.  Kindergarten worked to circle groups of 10 and quickly counted on the ones that remained.  We continue to work on How To Writing during Writer's Workshop today Kindergarten co-created How-To Play Tag.  I recorded their language and then in small groups they worked to illustrate each step.  Our book today was Butterfly House by Eve Bunting.  A beautiful story of a girl who saves a caterpillar from a Jay and with the help of her grandfather is able to observe it change into a butterfly.  Each year butterflies return to her garden because she was so kind to the caterpillar as a girl.

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Happy Monday!