Thursday, May 25, 2017

Some AMAZING work by Kindergarten!

You may often hear me say that kindergarteners amaze me every single day. Today was certainly not an exception.  I was truly amazed by the work Kindergarten did this afternoon.  This week we have been talking about maps with the focus being an introduction to what a map is as mapping will be a skill built on in later grades.  This afternoon I read the book Me on the Map a story in which a young girl shows readers herself on a map of her room, her room on the map of her house, her house on the map of her street--all the way to her country on a map of the world.  After reading the book I gave the students a task of creating their own map focusing on something they know could be their house, the school, the woods or their neighborhood.  What I perceived to be a quick activity took the entire afternoon!  Some kindergarteners chose to collaborate and built elaborate maps with local pizza shops, stores, CP Smith and the houses of their classmates.  The work was truly amazing!

We also had the chance to visit with baby chicks in Mrs. Spinner's class and caught (and released) a toad in the woods!

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