Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Non-Fiction and Counting to 100!

This morning we worked on a shared non-fiction book we are writing: All About Insects to share all that we have learned in our insect study.  Today we discussed what we would include in our book and added the table of contents.  Kindergarten authors decided that we would have a page about the body parts of insects, a page showing the life cycle of a butterfly, a page about bees and a page about ants.  Our cover page and table of contents is finished and tomorrow we will begin working on our "all about" pages as Kindergarteners call them.

During Math we took a look at a 100's chart and Kindergarten discussed what they noticed.  Kindergarten noticed that when you go up and down the first number changes but the second number stays the same but when you go across the second number changes.  Kindergarten also realized that you can count by 10 by starting at any number and we practiced counting by 10's by starting at 6 and ending at 96.   We also played a mystery number game where I chose a number and gave clues and Kindergartners had to guess the number I was thinking of!

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