Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The start of a chrysalis

After lunch today we noticed that one of the caterpillars is beginning to form a 'J' shape at the top of the cup!  This means that a chrysalis is beginning to be formed and that our caterpillars cannot be moved for 3 days.  During Reader's Workshop some students decided to read to our caterpillars in hopes that this would make them sleep and form the chrysalis quicker!  Yesterday we read our poem and Kindergarten helped to fill in the missing parts with illustrations:

During Writer's Workshop Kindergarteners began writing their on 'How-To' books remembering to use the words First, Next, and Then.  Some topics include: How to Catch a Rat, How to Catch a Butterfly, How to Break a Rock, How to Use the Roku Remote and How to Teach a Dog to Listen.

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