Monday, October 9, 2017

A very rainy and busy Monday!

We didn't get outside today due to all of the rain but that didn't stop us from having a wonderful Monday!  We welcomed our first "Mystery Reader" today and Kindergarten was so excited and surprised to have a special visitor in our classroom!  Thanks so much for joining us :) we look forward to welcoming all of our Mystery Readers!

To start Writer's Workshop I read the book Matthew and Tilly which not only teaches the lesson that it is normal to sometimes argue with a friend and then apologize and make up but also is a great book for looking at illustrations.  We have been talking a lot about making sure to draw characters that make sense and with proper details - thinking of the person's skin color, hair color, clothing etc. 

During Literacy Stations Kindergarten worked to paint scarecrows based on the book The Little Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything, sorted our classmates name by if they had the letter e or not, and matched lowercase and uppercase letters. 

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Happy Monday!