Thursday, October 12, 2017

The 4 R's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and RESPECT!

WOW what a busy Thursday! We started our morning in the woods where students were invited to use paper and crayons to make bark and/or leaf rubbings.  Students greatly enjoyed seeing how the different textures made different patterns on paper.  After the woods we welcomed our first mystery reader of the day:

After our Mystery Reader left "Recycle Rhonda" from Chittenden Solid Waste joined us and we learned about the 4 R's Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and RESPECT!  Rhonda brought a bag of "trash" and we resorted it into compost, trash, or recycling.  Tomorrow we will think about a goal to help in reducing classroom waste.

Lately we have noticed that the classroom can be pretty loud even if all students are on task.  This afternoon I read the book Decibella and Her 6-Inch Voice  by Julia Cook and we discussed the five voice levels: outside voice, strong speaker, table talk, 6 inch voice and a whisper voice.  We practiced all together and we all decided that math stations were MUCH quieter this afternoon!  We ended the day with another Mystery Reader and a little time outside in the sunshine.  Thanks again for coming to read to us Kindergarten is looking forward to all of our surprise guests!

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