Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Busy Tuesday

Happy Tuesday!  Mrs. Guilmette visited for Guidance this morning and this afternoon Kindergarten had PE with Ms. Souliere.  Together we wrote some sentences about what we like about Kindergarten so far.  Some of our sentences were:

We like to stack rocks. (a math center to count how many rocks you can stack)
We like creation station.  (one of our literacy stations is creating something with recycled materials)
We like making letters in the sand.  (another literacy station is 'writing' letters in a box of sand)
We like math games. (a favorite this week is rolling a dice and covering how many on a squirrel)

It's always nice to get feedback on thing that students enjoy and are going well!

We also listened to this song from Dr. Jean and practiced writing numbers with white boards.

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