Monday, September 23, 2019

First Day of Fall

First Grade has been working on making partners to 10.  Today we learned a new Math game: spin and make 10.  I also taught students how to play the card game sevens in a small group. Here's a link with directions if you want to play at home: How to Play Sevens.

Our read aloud today was Wallace's List.  We talked about why people might write a list and learned that Wallace was not very flexible and did not like to stray from his list.  This all changed when a new neighbor, Albert, moved in and Wallace learned that it was fun to have a friend to go on adventures with!  We also have been working on using the sounds: s, a, t, p, i and n to blend and create words.

We also had our first First Grade town meeting today.  Every Monday afternoon we will meet as a whole first grade sing our first grade song and complete an activity.  Today students worked with a partner in a different first grade classroom to trace each other's hands on paper, decorate and cut it out.  We will display in the hallway!

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