Friday, September 6, 2019


Today was a BUSY day in first grade!  This morning we had our pictures taken and had our first Guidance class with Mrs. Guilmette.  After Guidance and Snack we talked about moving quickly and silently from one spot to another.  We practiced moving from meeting spots on the rug to story spots.  I read the book Elizabeti's School by Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen and we learned that the author traveled to Tanzania and wrote her stories based on a girl she met in Tanzania.  This afternoon we talked about how authors write about what they know and love and before you write stories you need to practice telling them and plan how they would look on paper.  I told a story about Monday night soup nights with my Nonnie as a child and invited two students to share a story with us.  We brainstormed titles and what the pages might look like.  We will continue orally telling stories and planning what words and pictures will go on the pages. 

We had another number talk in math today with 12 dots and worked together to solve a story problem with a drawing and numbers. 

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Happy Monday!