Wednesday, September 20, 2017

A Happy Wednesday!

It was so wonderful to be at school today.  We started our day outside, ate snack and had a little inspirational "pep talk" from Kid President.

After Morning Meeting we worked on some writing, remembering the correct way to hold a pencil and to start our letters from the top!  Today we worked on writing capital F's using the language of "big line down, frog jump back to the top, little line, little line."  After Writing I read another 'Sally book' by Stephen Huneck Sally Goes to the Mountains and we learned that many of us have dogs or other pets at home.  I was so excited to hear that Kindergarteners were looking forward to reading their library books they chose last week.  So we spent some time enjoying those books before going to the library this afternoon.  Tomorrow morning we will adventure across to Ethan Allen Woods with the other K class from 9:30-10:30.

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Happy Monday!