Monday, September 25, 2017

A HOT Monday

It certainly does not feel like a Fall day today!  We went outside for morning recess but stayed in this afternoon as it was so hot out.  This morning Kindergarteners got their Writing and Drawing books!  We talked about how we were only going to use one page and tell one part of our stories so that we could really focus on including all of the details.  There were lots of great stories started: picking up my cat from the humane society, going to the park with my cousins and going swimming a the beach to name a few!  I look forward to reading more stories by Kindergarten Authors.

During Reader's Workshop I read The Seasons of Arnold's Apple Tree  and we talked about how apple trees change over the seasons.  Kindergarten also worked to illustrate their second poem in their poetry books "Apples, Apples."

Apples, Apples

Apples juicy,

Apples round,

On the tree or on the ground.

Apples yellow,

Apples red.

Apple pie and juice and bread!

Apples crunchy,

Apples sweet.

Apples are so good to eat!

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Happy Monday!