Wednesday, September 13, 2017

In Kindergarten we don't say "I can't!" just "I can't...yet!"

We have been talking a lot about having a growth mindset.  While I haven't used the term "growth mindset" with the students (yet) we have been reading books and watching short videos on learning from our mistakes, never giving up, and trying again and again.  Today I read the book Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae about a giraffe who thinks he can't dance but learns he just needs to find his own special tune to dance to.  The conversation led by Kindergarteners was truly amazing!  They immediately recognized that the other animals were being "unkind" and "bullies" by telling Gerald the Giraffe he can't dance and made connections to the "mojo" videos we've been watching saying things like "Gerald shouldn't leave the dance!  He's acting like Mojo when we thought he wasn't smart and was going to leave school."  This work is so important as I want all students to feel safe, comfortable and willing to take risks.

This year we are piloting a new handwriting curriculum: Handwriting Without Tears.  Today I showed Kindergarteners who to hold their pencil correctly using the "pinch and flip" method.  We then practiced making big lines, little lines, and curved lines.  


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