Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Happy Picture Day!

There was lots of smiles today as Kindergarteners got their pictures taken including a class photo. We did not get outside to recess, unfortunately, due to the rain but enjoyed sometime to play in our classroom this morning.  After lunch Kindergarten had their first library class with Ms. Beth and Ms. K.  Kindergarten did not check out books today but will next week.  For the first few weeks we will keep the books in our classroom and as students get more comfortable with the routine they will be allowed to go home.

Today we talked about our 3 big school rules which are to be safe, responsible and respectful.  Together we decided that to be safe means to keep your hands and feet to yourself, to be responsible is to take care of each other and our classroom, and to be respectful means listening to the person who is talking.  It is important to do this things so that we are all safe and are able to learn!  These rules will be posted in our classroom and Kindergarten will sign a 'contract' agreeing to follow them. 

This afternoon I read a book How to Ride a Bicycle by Chris Raschka and we talked about how some things may be tricky but it doesn't mean we give up.  We need to try again and again and again and again...until we get it!  We connected this to the ideas that our brains are muscles and the more we exercise them or try tricky things the stronger we get and the more we learn!  We also watched this short video:

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Happy Monday!