Monday, November 7, 2016

A Busy Day!

It was such a busy Monday in Kindergarten that I realized that I did not take any photos today!  This morning we practiced writing the lowercase letters l and h, had some time to play, practiced writing names and then it was time for math.  Our Math time was cut short due to a lock down drill but most Kindergartners did an excellent job staying quiet and calm during the drill.  In Math we have been working on proper letter formation and decomposing numbers to 10.  Later this week we will be working on identifying the number that is "one more."

We are finishing up our Ezra Jack Keat's Author Study this week.  Today we read the book Dreams.  Many students chose to draw pictures of their dreams in their sketch books during Reader's Workshop.  I also introduced a new poem: Fall Leaves which brought some laughter into the classroom:

Fall Leaves

One is orange.
Two are brown.
Three look yellow on the ground.

Three are green.
Two bright red.
One just fell upon your head!

Kindergarten has enjoyed these weekly poems and are beginning to be able to read them independently after joining in shared reading.  One of our literacy stations is listening to a recording of me reading the poem and then illustrating a paper version.

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Happy Monday!