Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The Journey of a Leaf...

This morning we went outside and collected leaves for a project we are working on.  Kindergarten is creating their own leaf person or animal to be made into a video to be shared at our community meeting on Friday!  Today many kindergarteners made a leaf creation, then took a photograph of it and added audio.  Be on the lookout for this finished video book later this week - it's pretty cool!

In Math we decomposed the number 6 today finding six different ways to break up the number six.  On Tuesday we are doing something special during Math Intervention time - we are switching classrooms! Students will be split between the three kindergarten classes on Tuesday from 10:30-11:00.  This will allow for more (fun) and differentiated instruction as well as time with other Kindergarten friends and teachers!  I heard that some bowling was happening in Mr. D's class today.

This afternoon we read Goggles by Ezra Jack Keats which featured Peter, Willie and Peter's friend Archie.

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