Thursday, November 3, 2016

A Rainy but Fun Day in Kindergarten!

We began our day by looking closely at a stack of books and sorting them into piles by author.  Kindergarteners were able to do this even without being familiar with the book.  This led to a discussion on author's craft or style.  It is easy to recognize a book because all authors and illustrators usually use similar styles in all of their book.  After this we charted what we notice about Ezra Jack Keat's as a writer.  Kindergarten noticed that the characters in Keat's books are the same, the books use the same character names, the characters are drawn to look like real people, and all of the books we have read take place in a city neighborhood.  I called this the setting of the books.  What wonderful noticing!  

We were unable to get out into the woods today due to rain but that didn't stop us from having some rainy day fun!  We repurposed some cardboard tubes from an earlier project into a "maze" to drop pom pom balls through.  Kindergarteners worked together to build two very creative mazes on the wall and were successful in getting the pom poms to the bottom.  It was really a lot of fun!

Other Kindergarteners chose to use water color paints and painted some beautiful pictures!  We ended the day in Mrs. Slack's classroom and were able to listen to a silly book by Robert Munsch.

We have one more image to add tomorrow but I thought I would share our "Journey of a Leaf Book" as it done so far: Journey of a Leaf .  Click on the link to see the AMAZING work of Kindergarten! They are so proud of what they created and we will be sharing at Community Meeting tomorrow.  

1 comment:

Happy Monday!